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Abstract: The road model is of great significance in the road survey and design, the road three-dimensional model can vividly show the actual landscape after the end of the project. This article describes the use of three-dimensional landscape models AutoCAD Civil 3D for road modelling process, and explains how to Civil 3D road models into 3ds Max Design in further processing, in order to gain the road. Keywords: road modelling; AutoCAD Civil 3D; 3ds Max Design; Digital Terrain Model 1 Introduction traditional road survey and design most used 2D ways to express a variety of surface features, and a few design results provide only partial, static or line box in the form of three-dimensional perspective, they cannot very intuitive to show the results of the design. CADD Centre Delhi. In CADD Centre Delhi the experience and knowledge of the staff, the more difficult to obtain figurative feelings. Therefore, we need to be in a more intuitive way to show our blueprints. Currently, ...